Check-up is a routine health screening procedure to determine health status and to detect potential health problems early. The check-up process is carried out to determine the general health status of the person by making a comprehensive health assessment, to diagnose diseases early and to offer suggestions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The check-up procedure generally consists of physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, radiological imaging methods, electrocardiography (ECG) and similar tests. With these procedures, the general health status of the person, blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, liver functions, kidney functions, cancer screening and many other issues are evaluated.
It is recommended to repeat the check-up process once a year in healthy individuals, and it is recommended to be done more frequently, especially in people over the age of 40. Check-up process is important in terms of early diagnosis of health problems and taking precautions before the disease occurs.
Who is the check-up for?
The check-up procedure is usually performed on healthy individuals who do not have any health complaints. However, check-up is recommended more frequently, especially for people with certain risk factors.
Risk factors include:
- Individuals over 40
- Those with a family history of diseases such as heart, blood pressure, diabetes
- Those with health problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure
- Those with a stressful job or lifestyle
- Those who smoke
- Those with irregular eating habits
- Those with long-term drug use
However, even if there are no health complaints or risk factors, it is important to have regular check-ups to follow up the general health status and to detect potential health problems early. Persons who will undergo check-up can get doctor’s advice by applying to health institutions.
At what interval should the check-up be done?
The check-up interval may vary depending on the age, sex, health history and risk factors of the person. In general, it is recommended to have a check-up once a year in healthy individuals. More frequent check-ups are recommended for people over the age of 40.
In people with risk factors, check-up can be done at more frequent intervals. For example, people with a family history of heart disease are recommended to have check-ups more frequently, not once a year.
Since the interval to be checked-up may vary depending on the health status of the person, it will be the best approach to get a doctor’s advice. By having regular check-ups, the person can monitor his or her general health and help identify potential health problems early.
What operations are performed in check-up processes?
Check-up procedures may vary depending on the person’s age, gender, health history and risk factors. In general, the following tests and examinations can be performed in check-up procedures:
Blood tests: Tests such as blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride, kidney and liver function tests, complete blood count are performed.
Urine tests: Urine analysis is done.
Physical examination: Height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate are measured. Examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen and other organs is performed.
Eye examination: Eye number measurement, eye fundus examination is done.
Ear, nose and throat examination: Ear, nose and throat control is done.
Cancer screening tests: Tests such as breast cancer screening, uterine cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening can be done.
Pulmonary function tests: Lung functions can be measured.
Imaging tests: Imaging tests such as EKG, chest X-ray, ultrasonography, tomography can be performed.
In addition to these procedures, different tests can be performed according to the health status of the person. The check-up process is performed to follow the general health status of the person and to diagnose potential health problems early. For this reason, a check-up procedure should be planned in accordance with the health status of the person.