Pedodontics is a sub-branch of dentistry that deals only with pediatric patients. Pedodontics treats pediatric patients between the ages of 0 and 13.
Children’s bone development is much different than adults. For this reason, children’s dental treatments may need to be different from adults. In this direction, it is necessary to consult a pedodontist for dental treatment until the age of 13, when all of the milk teeth of children have changed.
The pedodontist checks whether the pediatric patients who apply to him for various problems are in the caries risk group and ensures that they gain a nutritional habit in this direction. Apart from this, the jaw and tooth development of children is regulated and preventive orthodontic treatments can be applied.
How is Pedodontic Operation Performed?
It provides a meeting with the doctor and the patient or the patient’s relative before pedodontics. He/she creates an operation plan by listening to the patient’s complaints and requests.
In pedodontic treatments, first of all, the patient’s teeth and gums are examined. The teeth that need to be extracted are pulled, the teeth that need filling are filled or root canal treatment is applied. The most important point in the field of pedodontics is the developing milk teeth and gums of children. Teeth and gums that are more sensitive than adults may sometimes need a different treatment.
Healing Process After Pedodontics Operation
The recovery process of the patients after the pedodontic operation varies according to the treatment method applied. If the patient is treated with braces, the healing process may take a long time, while the recovery process after tooth extraction may take 1 week.
What Should Be Considered After Pedodontics Operation?
Fluid Consumption
Depending on the treatment method applied after pedodontic operations, it may be necessary not to consume liquid for 2-3 hours.
Drug Use
After pedodontics, pain occurs in the teeth and gums. You can use the drugs recommended by your doctor for these pains.
Food Consumption
Depending on the treatment method applied after pedodontics, at least 2-3 meals may not be consumed.
Oral and dental hygiene should be given importance after pedodontic treatments.